(Performa of the Notice for the Managing Committee Meeting to discuss and appoint the “Returning Officer” from the application received from the interested members of the society willing to act as a “Returning Officer” for conducting elections to the managing committee of the society or to appoint an election officer from the panel of election officers notified for the division by the state cooperative election authority).


On the letterhead of the Society






The Managing Committee Members,

______________ Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.,

_________________________ ,

_________________________ .


Dear Committee Members,


Sub:    To conduct the Managing Committee Meeting of the society on _______ at______

A.M. at _________________________ for appointing returning officer.


With reference to above we wish to inform you that we have decided to conduct the Managing Committee Meeting  of our society on _____ at______ in __________ or________ Portal (Use Id.  ______ and Password ___________ ).

The following agendas are decided for the discussion in the Managing Committee Meeting of the society.


Agenda no. 1 :- To grant leave of absence.


Agenda no.2  :- To approve the minutes of the last committee meeting.


Agenda no.3 :- To scrutinize the applications received from interested members willing to act as a “ Returning Officers”.


Agenda no.4 :- To discuss and appoint the “Returning Officer” from the applications received from the society or from panel of election officers as may be notified by the Maharashtra State Cooperative election Authority and fix his Honorarium or the remunerations, as the case may be.


Agenda no.5 :- To issue the appointment letter and authorize the Returning officer to perform all the duties essential for conducting the election of Managing committee.  


Agenda no. 6 :- To consider any other matter to be brought before the meeting with the permission of the chair.


Kindly attend the meeting on _______ at _____ in __________________ or ________________

Portal (User Id. _________ and Password ____________) for your kind suggestions and



Thanking you,

Yours truly,


For ___________________ Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.


Hon. Chairman                                                                                               Hon. Secretary