[Under the Bye-law No. 34]

The Form of Notice, inviting claims or objections to the transfer of the shares and the interest of the Deceased Member in the Capital/ Property of the society.

(To be published in two local newspapers having large publication)


Shri/Shrimati ………………………………………………………..a Member of the …………………………………………………. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. having, address at……………………………………………………………………………. and holding flat/ tenement No ……………………………………………………… in the building of the society, died on ………………………………………………. without making any nomination.

The society hereby invites claims or objections from the heir or heirs or other claimants/ objector or objectors to the transfer of the said shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital/ property of the society within a period of days from the publication of this notice, with copies of such documents and other proofs in support of his/her/their claims/ objections for transfer of shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital/ property of the society. If no claims/ objections are received within the period prescribed above, the society shall be free to deal with the shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital/ property of the society in such manner as is provided under the bye-laws of the society. The claims/ objections, if any, received by the society for transfer of shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital/ property of the society shall be dealt with in the manner provided under the bye-laws of the society. A copy of the registered bye-laws of the society is available for inspection by the claimants/ objectors, in the office of the society/ with the secretary of the society between ………………………………………………………………………….. A. M.I P. M. to …………………………………………………………… A.M. /P.M. from the date of publication of the notice till the date of expiry of its period.



For and on behalf of

The ………………………………. Co-op. Housing Society Ltd


Hon. Secretary